@6min, Chris) You actually did a great summary there. I have sort of focused my attention here.
@9min, Tom) If you permit me, let me tell the listeners, those who don't know, the Jesuit Order was banned even by the Papacy, because the Jesuit Order had created so much political unrest and so much government usurpation, and infiltration, and subversion of legitimate governments in Europe that the Catholic kings, and queens, and potentats of Europe demanded that the Jesuits get the hell out. And that put the Pope under pressure. And the Pope banned the Jesuits. He banned them for the very political intrigues that they're committing in this country. And then, 41 years later, the Jesuits arm-twisted the Papacy, literally held them at ransom, to either re-establish the Jesuits or the Papacy is over. And the Papacy has been subservient to the Jesuits ever since.
Chris) Well, what's interesting is ... I would look at the viewpoints of some of our presidents. I have a quote here from John Adams right after the re-establishment of the Jesuits in 1814, and I quote from one of his writings. He says: "My history of the Jesuits is not eloquently written, but it is supported by unquestionable authorities ..."
@13min, Chris) But certainly it's to create the conflict.
Usually when people get together they figure out what's good for themselves and that seems to be the tendency. People want to be nice, and get along, and progress, you know, and that's a very strong force when people get together. There is conflict yet, but it's mostly about what's the best solution that will meet their group's needs. So certainly I have been studying more than I would like to do, because I got other things to do in my life, but that, in fact, I can't do some of those other things because of the very actions that are going on.
@15min, Chris) The work I started on the Logan Act started actually in 2006. It's when I met Greg in September 2007 [...] I sort of united my actions with his overview what the underlying problem is that we're facing. And I filed this case in D.C. regarding the New York province for the Society of Jesus in which they are operating in conflict with state law and that they are not registered properly for all the members in the State of New York. And I take it on as a federal issue, primarily, because the Reagan administration on January 10, 1984 had recognized the sovereignty of the Vatican, therefore creating a jackpot situation in which the agents, who were sworn members of a military order, were, in fact, the extension of the counselor structure.
Tom) The listeners need to be advised that the Jesuits swear no allegiance to any nation. They are sovereign and their loyalties lie only with the Papacy. So everyone of the Jesuits, as a matter of fact, every Roman Catholic priest is first and foremost a representative of the Vatican – they are foreign diplomats, everyone of them. And they are celibate by Canon Law, so that they don't have families in this country, so that there is no family pressure against any priest, whether it would be Jesuit or otherwise, to have loyalties to the land in which they live, because their loyalties are first and foremost to the Pope and the Vatican City State. And the American people don't realize this because it's not talked about. But you're bringing this case, this complaint to the courts that not only are they tremendously influential – if not all controlling of the federal government, they also manipulate the state governments – and that your situation in New York State is a model of all the rest of us who are similarly situated. And you are to be applauded for your efforts, and I'm glad that you recruited the expert help of Eric Jon Phelps to proof your thesis to the court, if the court will just ... you know, the Jesuit are throwing up all kinds of smoke screens and defenses and trying to dismiss you as a conspiracy theorist, albeit why conspiracy theorist when all of your allegations are well-established throughout the last 500 years in world history. This complaint needs to be heard in the courts of the U.S., because the point can be made that there is more than ample justification to register all these priests under the Logan Act as agents for a hostile enemy foreign power and that they be evicted from this country. And not only the Jesuits but the Knights of Malta, and I would go so far as to say the Knights of Columbus and Opus Dei and even Freemasonry! [...]
Chris) They all operate under a membership structure but nobody is enforcing the law since they [...] when Reagan recognized them it actually put in place a series of treaties, which other than the Immigration Nationalization Act, which deals with people who are not citizens of the U.S. or who are in fact operating under diplomatic immunity or a diplomatic structure that's defined under what's called the Vienna Conventions that started in 1961 ...
Tom) These treaties were all triggered when Ronald Reagan formally recognized Vatican City State and established diplomatic relations – this was triggered by that.
Chris) Right. The Logan Act started in 1799. It essentially said that no American citizen or nobody resident in the U.S. may interfere with the relationship between the U.S. government and another sovereign nation in which they are trying to do business with. Well, historically, the same activities in which the Jesuits were involved with [...] which they got banned for [...] in 1814 when they were re-established in the brief that re-established them, they essentially grasped control of the Pope so they would never be faced with being banned again.
So what I'm arguing in court is, that the same behaviour that they were banned for then is being done ten times over now: that – looking at the structure of the Logan Act – they are interfering with a legitimate relationship that according to Reagan there is between the Vatican and the U.S. so that when the Jesuits have their hand around the throat of the Pope – no matter how good or bad the Pope is – they are interfering.
Tom) Isn't this ironic, Christopher, that Ronald Reagan recognized the sovereignty of the City State of Vatican City and the Jesuits are destroying the sovereignty of this nation.
Chris) But they also destroyed the sovereignty of the Vatican, too. They intend to destroy the Vatican State and incorporate it here and in Jerusalem. So that's their endgame.
Tom) I have one piece of evidence that will justify and substantiate what claim you just made and that was during the Pope's visit last April on the set of EWTN. One of the Catholic big shots in New York, Neuhaus, said in front of the cameras, in front of the world: "New York is the New Jerusalem and this is our town." That's a direct quote.
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